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I have worked with individuals, families, and communities on the impact of trauma and addiction. As a previous Family Services Director, I supervised day programs and addiction support for individuals and their families. More recently, I worked as a psychotherapist in a non-12 step meaning-based treatment centre on BC's Sunshine Coast and deepened my appreciation for the importance of community post-treatment support, which is now a passionate focus in my work.

You are the creator of which choice you

Post-treatment addiction counselling and coaching can help you and/or family members as you experience “doing life sober”. Rediscover and reclaim aspects of yourself you neglected or left along the way during active addiction.

Become who you are meant to be in your highest potential.


With post-treatment support you will:

  • Prepare for a sober life

  • Learn to work through new and potentially uncomfortable feelings that come with sobriety

  • Be the author of your own life

  • Live a life of authentic meaning and purpose

  • Learn new lifeskills and change self-destructive patterns

  • Improve your ability to be in healthy relationships

  • Address sources of stress that don't involve escaping via drugs and alcohol

  • Stop the cycle of compulsivity and addictive thinking that can transfer into other unhealthy activities beyond the drugs and alcohol

Individual and group sessions available both online or in person. Contact me to discuss your recovery needs.

" You have brains in your head. You have feet in yor shoes.

 You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own and you know what you know. 

And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go."


Dr. Seuss

2016 © Judith Kerr Counselling

Counselling for individuals, couples, marriage/divorce, addictions, and much more in Victoria, BC

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